Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Hi! I'm inspired to start this blog thanks to my dearest sister, as well as my girlfriends and of course, being a victim myself of having the typical woes of celebrations when it comes to monthsaries and anniversaries!

Here, I'd try and gather from around the sites, on what should you or could get for your boyfriend/girlfriend for their birthdays, 1st month, a make-up/sorry gift, a rewarding gift, an encouragement gift, for the different festive, important dates etc. As well as where or how could you celebrate the several occasions that I believe, we  naturally headache about, more or less whenever the date/day is nearing.

I'm not exactly an expert in this area cause as I mentioned, I'm a victim to such celebrations as well, so please, do share your ideas if you have any! It'd be great to know (:

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